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  Year 7 

Creative Writing

The Garbage King.

Chapter 13- Karate


A hacking bout of coughing escapes me, and I start to sob. All I want is to go back to my friends, to see Million, Buffalo, Shoes, Getachew, Mamo and Dani again. Everyone says Dani is just some rich kid, but he is kind. He gave me my elephant top! I curl into a ball but the pain in my chest is too much and I straighten out again, could I be dying? I didn't think so, but the thought was still scary.

Everything around me is wrong when I wake up. There is a dull pain in my chest. Where am I? Oh, now I remember, I am at the hospital wearing strange white clothes. The people who brought me here stole my elephant shirt. I cry again, this time louder, and as I hear footsteps coming down the hall toward me I start to scream. It is a bad, bad person coming to get me! The door opens and standing in the doorframe is a kind faced lady. She does not say anything as she walks toward me. She sits down on my bed and pats my damp head gently. 'Here you go' she whispers, and holds out a small scrap of fabric. Its my elephant top, or it used to be! I take the fabric, turn away from her and start to sniff, sob, cry. She gets up and leaves the room. Suddenly I start to cough. And cough and cough and cough. When the coughing stops. I roll onto my back and drift into a restless sleep.

When I next open my eyes, a shocking sight looms over me. Its Million! And Buffalo, Getachew, Shoes and Dani! I struggle to sit up, then reach my small arms around Milllion and hug him tight. 'It's good to see you,' Million says, his voice shuddering. 'You came, I knew you would, take me home! Please,' I beg Million, but then a young nurse cuts in, 'I'm sorry young one, but I need you to get better.' 'She's right' Million sadly agrees. I can feel hot tears welling up in my eyes. 'Why?!' I ask. But the nurse doesn't answer me, instead she beckons to my friends as she leaves the room, and I watch the retreating figures of my friends slowly walk away. The nurse gently shuts the door. No, no, no, no, no! Million should have taken me with him! To my friends, my home. I huddle down under my blanket and weep freely. For how long I stay there I don't know.

Suddenly I hear a voice. 'Karate, why are you crying?' My eyes open wide and I sit up abruptly. Standing over me is Mamo! 'I thought Million was going to take me away, but then the nurse came and said I had to stay' I sob. 'But they're nice to you here, aren't they?' Said Mamo. 'I mean, they give you food and everything?' 'No one talks to you,' I whimper, 'you have to sleep in your own bed. They get cross if you pee anywhere except the special place. I'm so scared Mamo, it's horrible. Take me with you please, please!' I watch Mamo look around at the bare walls and high windows. But they'll make you better if you stay', Mamo says doubtfully. 'They won't, they never will, I get nasty dreams at night when I'm alone, bad things I can't tell you. Like animals and ghosts coming to eat me, and trucks running me over.' I start to sob, breaking off occasionally into violent bouts of coughing. Mamo bends down and whispers in my ear; 'where are your clothes?' 'They threw them away', I answer in a small voice. 'Come on then, quick' Mamo says. He scoops me and the blanket into his arms and runs out of the hospital. Million is waiting outside in the bright sunlight, and when he catches a glimpse of us, he runs up and hugs me tightly.

A couple of nights later I am curled up on the street in an old shamma. We sit around a flickering fire, our shadows illuminated into monsters creeping on the walls. Dani has just told us a story. My hair is sticking to my damp forehead and I am breathing fast. My head is burning up and my breath is raspy because my throat is full of phlegm. I am very tired, and when I lie down my breathing slows, easing the pain of my chest. As I close my eyes, Dani reaches over and squeezes my hand. 'Goodnight, sleep well. You'll feel better in the morning', he whispers.

I feel like jelly, like my soul is separated from my body. The blackness is swimming in front of my eyes. I can feel the ties connecting me to my body being clipped away, as easily as a knife cuts through butter.

I am floating. Slowly drifting on a black tide that is ebbing out to sea, leaving me to tumble through the water, in an eternal, gentle sleep.

Tilly Dassanayake

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