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  Year 9 

Creative Writing



As I look up I see the stars,

My troubles fade as I imagine

Hunting with Orion,

And cantering with Sagittarius,

And bowing down in front of Jupiter’s mighty throne


I stare at Alpha Centauri;

The closest star.

I reach out, so close,

But it dances out of reach of my fingertips;

Dignified and cold, too high to touch.


I watch the stars try to outshine each other;

Trying so hard to show their radiance,

To show they exist before they fade.

But they are already gone.

Dead and dying, lost but still shining.


I watch a mother and her 6 daughters,

Rise and fall as the year goes on.

I can see the Aurora Australis,

Spectacular and stunning,

Twisting between twinkling lights


And I imagine the milky way,

Beautifully brilliant,

But no longer visible to most of humanity

Because we have made our own lights

To blot out the others.

Leilani Fam



She was so very beautiful
but she never even knew.
Her eyes always reflected
a hundred pools of blue.

Her hair was captured sunlight
shining through many strands.
Her smile was oh so pretty,
the whitest in all the lands.

She was so very beautiful
all throughout her tale,

but instead she judged her worth
by the number on the scale.


Jemma Henneveld

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